The company Adrien M & Claire B

Research and creation
in living and digital arts.
Shows & installations.

The company Adrien M & Claire B places its work in the field of digital arts since 2004.  Its creations are performances and exhibitions, that associate reality and virtuality. Its specificity is the custom-made development of its computing tools.  Among the artistic and technological stakes, the attention is focused on the human being and its body, by using contemporary tools in the service of a timeless poetry, developing and using a visual language based on game and pleasure as mediums of the imagination. Today, the company counts around 30 collaborators. Its headquarter and production offices are based in Lyon (Rhône, France). Villa Aphéa, its research and creation venue, is located in Crest (Drôme, France). Part of the venue's equipment was acquired with help from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. The company is subsidised and accredited in France by the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. It is also supported by the City of Lyon.

photo © Romain Etienne - item

Adrien M & Claire B
13 Cours de Verdun Gensoul
69002 Lyon — France

Press Relations
Agence Plan Bey
+33 1 48 06 52 27

APE : 9001Z / SIRET : 477 489 264 000 51
Licences : PLATESV-R-2022-005803 et PLATESV-R-2022-005802
  • Claire Bardainne is a visual artist with a background in graphic design and scenography. Her research focuses on the pictorial and graphic imaginary, graphic signs, especially in their space-constructive capacity. She joins forces with Adrien Mondot in 2011 to materialize a common artistic project: Adrien M & Claire B.

  • Adrien Mondot is a multidisciplinary artist, computer scientist and juggler. He is interested in movement, and works at the intersection of juggling art and computer innovation. Founder of the Compagnie Adrien M in 2004, he partners with Claire Bardainne in 2011 to re-structure the Company as "Adrien M & Claire B".

  • Marek Vuiton began his production career at the world music and culture Festival Rio Loco in Toulouse.
    He also develops and contributes to many other projects: Cie Sans Paradis Fixe (street performance), Cie La Baraque (contemporary dance), Kalakuta Productions (groove and world music) and Kalakuta Selectors (DJ collective).
    He joined Compagnie Adrien M & Claire B in October 2013 as an administrator.

  • Raphaël is the technical director of Adrien M & Claire B since 2022. He also works for Woodstower festival in Lyon as technical director.

  • Joanna is French with Scottish roots. Her career in the arts started in Scotland working both with an arts centre Woodend Barn and a new music festival sound-scotland. In 2012, she returns to France to work with Sarah Ford as part of the artist agency Quaternaire. In November 2016, she joins the Compagnie Adrien M & Claire B to support them in tour producing.

  • Margaux Fritsch first started working in the performing arts at the Cognac Blues Passions (Cognac) and Magic Bus (Grenoble) festivals, working in communication, administration and production. Then, she began producing and organizing suspension performances all over the world for the Compagnie Transe Express (large scale aerial shows), before joining Adrien M & Claire B in 2016 as a production manager.

  • In 2003, Delphine worked for Mille et une productions at the 100% Colombie documentaires Festival in Paris, before moving to the Musical federation of lsère. For many years, she worked in admission and artist liaison at the Cabaret Frappé (Grenoble). Between 2011 and 2017, she is a regular contributor to the Compagnie Le cil du loup. In 2015, she organized and travelled with the "No rules, anything goes" tour of the Compagnie Joseph Aka. She is a production manager for Adrien M & Claire B since 2016.

  • Juli joined Adrien M & Claire B to coordinate tours of the book Acqua Alta - Crossing the mirror and Fauna.

  • Clément is the stage manager of the shows Hakanaï, Équinoxe and Piano Piano.

  • Jean-Marc Lanoë is the technical manager of Adrien M & Claire B exhibitions, as XYZT, Mirages & miracles, Last minute, En amour

  • Romain Sicard is the stage manager of the show Acqua Alta

  • Virginie Barjonet is the dancer and choreographer of Compagnie Dynamo, that she created in 2001. Trained as a classical dancer (gold medal of the Conservatoire de Lyon, Jeune Ballet de France, Nice Ballet Théâtre), she performs and choreographs pieces blending dance, theatre and aerobatics (L'Eolienne, Les Elastonautes, Les femmes à barbe, Conservatoire de Nancy). She dances Hakanaï with Adrien M & Claire B since 2013.

  • Akiko Kajihara is a dancer from Japan. After arriving in France, she collaborates with companies Pascoli, Epiderme / Nicolas Hubert, Illico / Thomas Lebrun, Christiane Blaise, among others. She has also contributed to projects in Japan with companies Danse Théâtre LUDENS / Takiko Iwabuchi and Derashinera / Shuji Onodera. She joined Adrien M & Claire B in October 2012 to create and perform Hakanaï as the main dancer.

  • Satchie Noro is a dancer, chorographer and aerobat who studied with Wilfride Piollet and Michel Nowak. In 2002, she founds the Compagnie Furinkaï, and remains an important contributor. She continues to perform, and has recently worked with directors James Thiérrée, Michel Schweizer, Carlotta Sagna, Pierre Meunier and Marguerite Bordat, and Emmanuelle Raynaut, among others. She performs in Cinématique and Hakanaï, and collaborates with Compagnie Adrien M & Claire B since 2009.

  • Dimitri Hatton is an innovative physical comedian, dancer and actor. For fifteen years he has created his own acts and full-length shows, which have been performed the world over. He continues to develop his unique style, an engaging mix of visual comedy, object manipulation, contemporary dance and improvisation. The universal weaknesses of mankind are central to his work. In his hands, these shared vulnerabilities are transformed into a constant source of laughter- transcending borders and languages. He joined Adrien M & Claire B team for their new creation in 2019.

Technical staff
  • Clément Aubry
  • Jérémy Chartier
    Light and vidéo
  • Eva Décorps
  • Loïs Drouglazet
    Sound, video, IT
  • Mélina Faka
  • Yan Godat
    Light and video
  • Claire Gringore
  • Rodolphe Martin
    Light and video
  • Yannick Moreteau
    Construction, video
  • Jean-Marc Lanoë
    Stage management and exhibition
  • Grégory Pirus
  • Nicolas Poisson
  • Romain Sicard
  • Elvire Tapie
  • Pierre Xucla
Artistic collaborators
  • → Complete bio

    David Babin - named Babx, is a musician, composer and producer. He first meets Adrien Mondot in 2010. 13 years later, they meet again and create together a musical and visual show Piano Piano.

  • → Complete bio

    Laurent Bardainne is a composer, producer, saxophonist and keyboarder. He first collaborates with Adrien M & Claire B on the show Équinoxe with his band Limousine. Few years later, he's invited to compose the music of En amour, presented at the Philharmonie de Paris on 2024.

  • Since 2009, Jérémy Chartier has contributed to all projects of Adrien M & Claire B, in multiple capacities: light, digital interpretation, and music. He performs live the music he wrote for Le mouvement de l'air.

  • Rémi Engel
    Computer development
  • → Complete bio

    Olivier Mellano is a musician, composer, improviser, author and guitarist in more than 50 bands since the beginning of the 90's. He switches between pop-rock projects and composition for symphony orchestra, musical ensemble of 17 electric guitars, harpsichords, organ, voices or string quartet. His musical compositions range from cinema, to theater, dance and literature. He also published his first book in 2008 He collaborates with Adrien M & Claire B for the composition and sound creation of the exhibition "Mirages & miracles".

  • Trained at the ENMDAD (La Roche sur Yon) and CNSMD (Lyon), Yan Raballand is a choreographer and performer for Odile Duboc, Stéphanie Aubin, Dominique Boivin, Bernadette Gaillard, Pascale Houbin. He founded his company, Contrepoint, in 2002, and created over ten performances, including Viola (People’s choice award at the (re)connaissance competition in 2010). He does choreographic work for the Rhine Ballet and the youth ballet section of the CNSMD, and is choreographic advisor for Eric Masset, Charly Marty, Laurent Brethome - with whom he created Monteverdi’s Bérénice and L’Orféo, and Johanny Bert, his collaborator with on Krafff, among others. He worked with the Adrien M & Claire B company on the choreographic design of Mouvement de l’air.

  • Marietta Ren is working for the animation industry as layout artist, character designer, animator and storyboard artist.. She also develops personnal projects, as Je suis Deux, co-written with Eugény Couture in 2010, and Phallaina, a huge horizontal scrolling digital graphic novel for tablets and smartphone.. Marietta assisted Adrien M & Claire B with the early stages of the creation of the book Acqua Alta - Crossing the mirror, especially its visual script.

  • After studying graphic arts at decorative arts school in Paris, Éric Singelin develops his researches around "book-object", especially pop-up technique, which enables to create volume on a double-page spread. He's frequently sollicitated by youth edition (Gallimard, Seuil, Nathan, Bayard, Milan) as well as architects and communication agencies. With Adrien M & Claire B, he's involved in the creation of the book Acqua Alta - Crossing the mirror.

External collaborators
  • Agence Plan Bey
    Dorothée Duplan, Flore Guiraud et Camille Pierrepont
    Assistées de Louise Dubreil
    +33 1 48 06 52 27

Association office
  • Arnaud Antolinos
  • François Mondot
  • Anaïs Chassé
  • Yves-Armel Martin
    Board member
  • The Adrien M & Claire B Company is accredited by DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and is supported by the City of Lyon.